Olympia Creams

By Dad

Olympia Creams is an old Stevens family recipe usually made around the Holidays. The creamy texture and slight caramel taste make this a favorite. Though you'll need a fair amount of time to stir, it's still worth it. NOTE: This recipe came from Grandma Lillian Stevens. Mom copied it from somewhere and the instructions were pretty cryptic. It took trial and error to figure out the "temperature of new milk." After several failed attempts and years of trying we finally got it down. As far as we know, our family is the only one on the Davis side who can make it. We have never added nuts, I have estimated the amount that might be added. EXTRA NOTE: This recipe doesn't exist on the internet. It must be called something else.

Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 30 min
Total Time: 45 min
Calories: 0
  • 4 C. White Sugar
  • 1 3/4 2 C. Cream
  • 1 C. Boiling Water
  • 1/2 C. Nuts (If Desired)
  1. Carmelize 1 cup of sugar in a heavy skillet. Heat it until it turns liquid.
  2. Add 1 c. boiling water to the sugar. Stir until all lumps are dissolved. Then boil for a few minutes.
  3. Add remaining 3 c. of sugar. Add WARM cream. (Make sure both are warm by heating them in the microwave.)
  4. Cook mixture until it forms a soft ball. It has to be a soft ball -- if it's too soft you will stir forever. (235-240 degrees)
  5. Cool mixture to the temperature of new milk. (101 degrees).
  6. Beat mixture until it's a smooth cream (it will lighten in color).
  7. Knead it on a greased surface until it's soft and pliable but not sticky. Use a little bit of butter but not too much. (As you're kneading it and it becomes too hard or sugary, you can add a few drops of cream.)
  8. If you want nuts, add them now while kneading.
  9. Roll into a log shape and wrap in waxed paper or Saran Wrap.
  10. Refrigerate to firm. Slice and serve. This gets better with age. If it is going to stay in the refrigerator long, wrap it in tin foil.
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